2019 Operator Restraint

National Forklift Safety Day is intended to promote the safe use of forklifts and the importance of proper operator training.

BITA is leading the campaign in the UK and working closely with its members, together with supporting industry associations and other stakeholders, including the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), UK Warehouse Association (UKWA), Fork Lift Truck Association (FLTA), Consolidated Fork Truck Services (CFTS), Road Transport Industry Training Board (RTITB), International Materials Handling Exhibition (IMHX) and others.

In conjunction with the HSE, the key message for the inaugural event is that seat belts save lives and that management is responsible for ensuring operator restraints are being used.

Although seatbelts are the most obvious restraint, other physical barrier devices, including door bars or cabins, and software solutions, such as speed monitoring devices and seatbelt interlocks, are also relevant and should be used where applicable.

Every employer must ensure that anyone supervising or managing the use of work equipment has received adequate health & safety training, including which methods should be adopted when using specific equipment, any risks which might arise and which precautions need to be taken.

Supervisors must always intervene when they observe unsafe practices such as the non-use of seat belts and where necessary, take remedial action.


For more information download our NFSD 2019 booklet

Click here to download the NFSD Z Card

Click here to download the NFSD Poster

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