NFSD Legislation

The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 tasks every employer with a duty of care to maintain industrial equipment in a safe condition.

This is reinforced by the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER 98)

PUWER regulation 6, stipulates:

  • Every employer must ensure that any work equipment exposed to conditions causing deterioration which is liable to result in dangerous situations must be inspected at suitable intervals and during exceptional circumstances where safety of the equipment could be comprised.
  • Any deterioration detected must be remedied in good time.
  • Inspections made under this regulation must be recorded and kept until the next inspection under this regulation is completed.

Some examinations only cover a fork truck’s lifting mechanism, fulfilling the minimum requirements of Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER 98 – shown in blue).

PUWER 98 also requires a much more detailed examination (additional requirements shown in red).

An examination that only covers LOLER could leave the truck’s owner liable to HSE enforcement under PUWER 98 rules.

A proper Thorough Examination takes account of both sets of Health & Safety regulations – LOLER and PUWER.

BITA and the FLTA’s Consolidated Fork Truck Services Ltd (CFTS) administers the industry’s national accreditation scheme for Thorough Examination.

For full legal compliance, ensuring that all safety components, including seat belts, are inspected, operators can choose a Thorough Examination provider accredited by the CFTS. This can be verified by the presence of the “Thorough Examination” certification mark on the next inspection due date sticker on the truck.

Membership of the CFTS scheme is free of charge, but members are audited for compliance with the strict procedural code.

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